July 19 2021 – Propeller Studio Inc

Like for a Loaf Campaign
We are very proud to announce that we’ve partnered with The Trussell Trust and Oasis UK to help supply two local schools with the bread they’ll need to offer their pupils a free healthy snack at break time.
After speaking to The Trussell Trust about our Like for a Loaf campaign, they put us in touch with Oasis, an awesome charity that helps fight food poverty and also campaigns for youth mental health and racial equity.
It proved to be fortuitous timing, as two of the local schools Oasis work with had just had their funding cut and were struggling to provide a free healthy snack for their pupils at break time.
After liaising with our community baker and Head of Ops (both dads themselves) – “Right, we need to make the bread healthy but trick the kids into thinking it’s white bread or they won’t eat it!” – we managed to put together a recipe for a half wholemeal half white loaf that was both healthy and delicious.
Since November 31st we’ve be dropping off 50 of these loaves each week to two schools in Lambeth.
If you’d like to help out as well, head over to trusselltrust.org and oasisuk.org to donate whatever time, money and food you can spare.
And, pandemic permitting, we’re hoping this is only the start of our involvement with schools in the local area! In 2021 we’ve got a bunch of great stuff planned, including free baking workshops and a fun yearly kids baking competition to raise money for charity, with the winning bake getting added to our menu.
To stay up to date on future events, make sure to follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter.